Saturday, January 4, 2020

Realistic Fiction:
Title: An Orange for Frankie
Author: Patricia Polacco
Publisher: Scholastic
Publication Date: 2004
ISBN: 0-439-82321-8

The story An Orange for Frankie is based on a real person.  Frankie was the author’s grandmother’s youngest brother.  Some of the story is based on tales that she heard about her grandmother’s family.  The setting is Depression era Michigan.  Frankie is the youngest of ten children.  They live on a farm not far from train tracks.  This was the Depression, and a lot of men were riding the rails.  The train stopped by Frankie’s house and his mother would give the poor men cake and coffee.  The men would then get back on the train. One of Frankie’s sisters had knitted him a new sweater for Christmas. Frankie gave this sweater to a homeless man on the train who had on a coat and no shirt underneath, Frankie did not tell anyone that he gave this precious sweater away.  The children’s father had gone to Lansing for work and the family was anxiously waiting for him to return home on Christmas Eve.  Their father always brought home a special treat, an orange for each child.  Father did make it home and he did meet up with the train from Florida that carried the oranges. They had a tradition in which once everyone got their orange they would place it on the fireplace mantle.  But Frankie was so excited about his orange that he stuffed its under his shirt. Frankie and his family went to a Christmas pageant, and somehow Frankie lost his orange.  On Christmas morning he had to admit to his family not only did he lose his orange, but he also gave his sweater away.  His mother told him he did a noble thing in giving away his sweater.  His mother told his family about what happened.  Each brother and sister took a wedge out of their orange to make an orange for Frankie.  If you’re not in tears by this time, you will be when you learn it was Frankie’s last Christmas; he died young.  The reader has such an emotional response because this story is about the true meaning of Christmas.  This story is wonderful for children on many levels.  First, it teaches them about a time when something as common as an orange was really very special.  Plus, it is a story about charity and giving to those in need.  It is also a story about family and sharing with those we love. The artwork is very expressive and adds to the emotional response. This is a really great story and I give it 5 out of 5 stars.  If you read this book, have a tissue ready.

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